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Libraries and coffee shops are ideal places for tutoring. They’re open to the public, neutral, comfortable, and located just about everywhere. Tons of people study there. A lot of people also tutor there. College libraries are good for students who attend the college. Avoid tutoring in people’s homes. Never tutor a college student at their place of residence. This goes triple if you are a female tutor and your student is male. If the male student insists on being tutored at his home, deny the job. This is for obvious safety reasons. If you’re planning on tutoring high school students, be prepared for some of their parents to want you to tutor them at home. It’s fair to say it’s less of a safety hazard than it is with college students, but there are still some things to consider.  One, the neutrality is gone. Going into someone’s home makes you vulnerable as it is easier to be falsely accused of inappropriate behavior or actions. Also lots of people have pets. If you have allergies or don’t like them (I don’t like dogs), this will be a problem. Don’t worry. There are lots of high school student’s parents who aren’t comfortable letting a tutor come to their home, and have no problem taking their child to a nearby coffee shop. These are the people you’ll want to concentrate on.

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